The Catholic Readers Society
The Catholic Readers Society has been meeting monthly since 2004. Its purpose is to contribute to the growth in holiness of its participants by reading and discussing noteworthy and varied works of literature. These are selected to provide experiences of artistic beauty, evoke the Catholic moral imagination, enrich one’s knowledge of the Catholic faith, and otherwise deepen our understanding of God among His people. As a mixed group of monks and laypersons joined by a common respect for the Catholic faith and its cultural deposit, the group’s lively monthly discussion marks a point of intersection between faith and culture, a function that Benedictine monasteries have served for generations.
Anyone is welcome to join us. We meet in the classroom on the church’s lower level immediately after Sunday Mass, and we also include remote participants through Zoom. Discussions are generally led by one of the monks. If you wish to participate in the discussion, we do ask that you read at least a portion of the book. But anyone may participate as a listener, or even ask questions of the group.
Our next meeting will take place on Sunday, February 2 at 11:30 a.m. We will continue our discussion of Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, focusing on Parts 3 and 4. To facilitate discussion, the Society recommends obtaining the translation by Michael Katz, published by Liveright.
The following month’s meeting will take place on Sunday, March 2 at 11:30 a.m.
For more information on how to join our meetings and receive online content, please submit a contact form here.
For a list of works we have read, click here.